Potomac Assembly 2204

Faithful Navigator: Mark Marchione (FN@assembly2204.org)

2024 Dues Membership Renewal

Please click on the PayPal button to pay your 2024 dues. Any questions regarding your past dues or donations to Hardship fund, Uniform fund, etc., should be directed to our Faithful Comptroller, Kevin Palgutt, at kevin.palgutt@gmail.com Thank you

Thank you for membership in Knights of Columbus, Fourth Degree, Potomac Assembly 2204.  Your continued support and loyalty to the Catholic Church, our principle of Patriotism, and support for our Veterans is greatly appreciated!  2023 was a great year for the Assembly (see below for the many activities). This is representative of the value of your dues. Thank you! We hope to build on this in the upcoming 2024 Calendar year. To that end, 2024 Dues Letter was recently sent out (click here) and will also be emailed to membership. Again, please take the opportunity to review our 2023 year and the many great Patriotic activities.

Assembly 2204 – FY 2024-25 Activity Calendar (click here; Sept 27th update. Else, updated approx every 4 weeks)

Assembly 2204 NavLog – Current Issue (click here)

Assembly 2204 NavLog – Archive (click here, Password protected)

Assembly 2204 Meeting Minutes (click here)password protected

Uniform Code Details (click here)

Uniform Purchase (click here)

Fourth Degree Membership – “Form 4” (click here)

The next Fourth Degree Exemplification is scheduled for Saturday, September 28, 2024 at All Saints Parish in Manassas, VA.  This is the first time in two years that it has been in Northern Virginia …….so a tremendous opportunity for those wishing to join our Assembly.  For those Knights in good standing with their Councils that are interested in becoming Sir Knights of the Potomac Assembly 2204, please submit a Form 4 (above link) via your Council’s Financial Secretary by Monday, September 16, 2024.  Information for candidates and guests is forthcoming once we get the details (i.e., hotel, eligibility, fees, dress code, etc) but save the date.  If you are wondering what our Assembly does and why you should become a Sir Knight of our Assembly, please look at this brief slide presentation (click here) as well as review the many activities we support on this website and in the archive of “Navigator’s Logs” (see above NavLog Newsletters). If you have any questions or need further information, please send an email to FN@Assembly2204.org and we will get you what you need to join our Assembly!

Color Guard Manual (click here)

Patriotic Rosary Guide PDF (click here)

Honor Flights at DC Reagan Airport – Info (click here)

Volunteer to help every veteran in America, willing and able to board a plane or a bus, to visit THEIR memorials. Be there to greet America’s most senior heroes — World War II era veterans, and any veteran with a terminal illness who wishes to visit THEIR memorial.  This also includes Korean War, Vietnam War and all other veterans who served, on a chronological basis. Click here to see flight schedule (all DC airports).

Ghirelli Patriotic Rosaries (collection; gold finish)

Assembly 2204 Activities & Events


Oct 6th, 11:00am, Saturday, Patriotic Rosary – The Rosary will be held in the KofC Hall (Mt Vernon Council 5998 on Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway) in the Assembly meeting room. Set-up will be ready by 10:45am but you are welcomed to come earlier to help setup & socialize. We will pray for the celebration of our country, our freedoms and our blessings.  Click here for the Zoom link (…or ID: 894 7735 9993; passcode:781205). Mobile dial in: +1(301)715-8592… …894-773-59993#…. …*781205# US (Washington DC) Please pass the word. Contact Ray Duff (rrduff25@gmail.com) for further details.


September 7th, Saturday, 11:00am, Patriotic Rosary – The Patriotic Rosary will be held at the Basilica of St Mary, 310 S. Royal St, Alexandria, VA (click here). Click here for the flyer. A cantor will be leading our patriotic songs. The Patriotic Rosary booklet PDF can be found through this link (click here). We will pray for all of our members of the armed Forces serving in this country and around the world. We will also be praying for all of those who are actively seeking peace in the Middle East, Africa, and around the world. It is encouraged (NOT required) of those who attend to wear the ORD or Coat and Tie with Social Baldric; especially those who will be presenting the Rosary decades from the pulpit. Please contact Ray Duff (rrduff25@gmail.com) or FN Mark Marchione (FN@assembly2204.org) for further details.


August 3rd, 11:00am, Saturday, Patriotic Rosary – The Rosary will be held in the KofC Hall (Mt Vernon Council 5998 on Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway) in the Assembly meeting room. Set-up will be ready by 10:45am but you are welcomed to come earlier to help setup & socialize. e will start off the month of the Assumption of our Blessed Mother Mary and pray for those defending our freedom, protecting our neighborhoods and providing medical care when needed.  Click here for the Zoom link (…or ID: 894 7735 9993; passcode:781205). Mobile dial in: +1(301)715-8592… …894-773-59993#…. …*781205# US (Washington DC) Please pass the word. Contact Ray Duff (rrduff25@gmail.com) for further details.

Aug 26th, Monday, 6:30pm, El Paso Restaurant, Past Faithful Navigator Appreciation Dinner – Fellow members and officers joined in congratulating PFN Joe Graf, for a very successful Fraternal year. The dinner will be at El Paso Mexican Restaurant (8746 Cooper Road, Alexandria, Phone: 703-619-5123, click here for website; click here for directions). Showtime is 6:30 PM for cocktails & meet and greet. Dinner began a little after 7pm. Toasts and roasts will commence around 8pm. Cost will be $25 with ‘adult’ beverages on personal tabs. For complete details including menu choices and Sign-up Genius link click here (RSVP was by Thursday, Aug 22nd). For questions or other details please contact Ray Duff (rrduff25@gmail.com)

JULY 2024

July 6th, 11:00am, Saturday, Patriotic Rosary – Saturday, 6 July, at 1100 we will pray our monthly Patriotic Rosary in the newly opened Chapel at Good Shepherd Catholic Church (click here for directions). We will also take a look at the newly completed main sacristy with the new Altar, Crucifix and Tabernacle, just consecrated on 23 June by Bishop Burbidge.  We will pray for the rich history of public service from our Founding Fathers to today’s local, state and federal elected and appointed officials. We will pray in thanksgiving for the rights and freedoms we so dearly appreciate living in the United States of America. The following Zoom link will allow connection and will be online by 1045 (click here for Zoom link). Meeting ID: 894 7735 9993  Passcode: 781205  Mobile dial in: +1(301)715-8592… …894-773-59993#…. …*781205# US (Washington DC). You are welcomed to come earlier to help setup & socialize. Please pass the word. Contact Ray Duff (rrduff25@gmail.com) for further details.The Rosary will be held in the KofC Hall (Mt Vernon Council 5998 on Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway) in the Assembly meeting room. Set-up will be ready by 10:45am but you are welcomed to come earlier to help setup & socialize. We will pray for the celebration of our country, our freedoms and our blessings.  Click here for the Zoom link (…or ID: 894 7735 9993; passcode:781205). Mobile dial in: +1(301)715-8592… …894-773-59993#…. …*781205# US (Washington DC) Please pass the word. Contact Ray Duff (rrduff25@gmail.com) for further details.

JUNE 2024

June 1st, 11:00am, Saturday, Patriotic Rosary – The Rosary will be held in the KofC Hall (Mt Vernon Council 5998 on Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway) in the Assembly meeting room. Set-up will be ready by 10:45am but you are welcomed to come earlier to help setup & socialize. We will pray for the celebration of our country, our freedoms and our blessings.  Click here for the Zoom link (…or ID: 894 7735 9993; passcode:781205). Mobile dial in: +1(301)715-8592… …894-773-59993#…. …*781205# US (Washington DC) Please pass the word. Contact Ray Duff (rrduff25@gmail.com) for further details.

June 17th, Assembly Business Mtg & Installation of 2024-25 Officers – 7pm (show time – 6:30pm) VENUE CHANGED TO: St. Lawrence Catholic Church (click here) 6222 Franconia Road, Alexandria, VA 22310. We conducted a combined Installation of Officers with Marian Assembly #2331 in Springfield. (click here for photos). The Master of the Virginia District presided over the Installation of Officers. A light reception of food and drink was made available. Those in attendance, mainly spouses & family, welcomed the new Officers as they enter office for the 2024-25 Fraternal Year.  Attire was ORD without swords; no gloves.  …or Dark Suit with Social Baldric for those without ORD. The FY 2024-25 Slate as reference can be found by clicking here. Please plan to attend! Please contact FN Joe Graf (FN@assembly2204.org) for further details.

MAY 2024

May 4th, Saturday, 11:00am, Patriotic Rosary– The Patriotic Rosary was held at the Basilica of St Mary, 310 S. Royal St, Alexandria, VA (click here). Click here for photos. Click here for the flyer. An amazing cantor led our patriotic songs!! A very light reception took place following the Patriotic Rosary in the back of 309 S. Royal St (across from the Basilica). The Patriotic Rosary booklet PDF can be found through this link (click here). Click here for the Zoom link (…or ID: 894 7735 9993; passcode:781205). Mobile dial in: +1(301)715-8592… …894-773-59993#…. …*781205# US (Washington DC) Please pass the word. Please contact Ray Duff (rrduff25@gmail.com) or FN Joe Graff (FN@assembly2204.org) for further details.

May 18th, Saturday, Archdiocese for the Military Services USA (AMS) Mass – The AMS celebrated their 30th annual Memorial Mass on Saturday, May 18, 2024 at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington DC. The annual mass is held during the Armed Forces Day which is celebrated annually on the third Saturday in May.  The celebrant for the Mass was Archbishop for the Military Services USA Timothy Broglio.  Calvert Province Knights of Columbus Fourth Degree Members have been supporting AMS and the annual mass for over 20 years.  Calvert Province includes the Archdioceses of Washington, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.  Click here for the picture of Assembly 2204 SKs. Note that they are standing in front of the statue of our founder, Blessed Michael McGivney.  The statue was dedicated and blessed on Dec 8. 2023 in the Hall of American Saints on the lower level of the Shrine.  For more information about the dedication, click here to read the KofC article by Cecilia Engbert.  

May 27th, Monday, Memorial Day, Wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Revolutionary Soldier 11:00am: The Assembly 2204 Color Guard presented a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier of the American Revolution at the Old Presbyterian Meeting House cemetery (OPMH, click here for directions) …..located next to the Basilica of St. Mary in Old Town Alexandria. Click here for photos & videos. Click here for the Ceremony program. They were joined by some 20 soldiers from the 1st Virginia Regiment of the Continental Line — who fired their muskets after the wreaths are presented. They were joined by the Cub Scouts, Trail life boys, Heritage girls, Daughters of the Revolution and Son’s of the Revolution. The rain held off!! Tours of the Meeting House were provided by Dr Don Dahmann, Historian at OPMH. Please contact SK Steve Teslik (basilicaofstmary.ushers@gmail.com) for further details

APRIL 2024

April 20th, 10am, Marine Corp Museum, Saturday: The Assembly is planning a visit to the National Museum of the Marine Corps in Quantico, VA (1775 Semper Fidelis Way Triangle, VA 22172, click here for directions). We’ve requested a docent to take us around with a focus on the Cold War and Vietnam Galleries followed by a movie at 12:30 pm. The tour is free but the movie is $7 but well worth it. We currently have 15 tickets to the movie so please indicate in your signup whether you will be viewing the movie. Click here for the Sign-up Genius (with more info). We plan on going to Tun’s Tavern onsite for those that are available and need rehydration. Please RSVP as soon as possible but no later than Thursday, April 18th. Please contact FN Joe Graf (FN@assembly2204.org) for further details.

MARCH 2024

March 2nd, Saturday, St Patrick’s Day Parade, Old Town Alexandria, 12:30pm (10:30 show time): The parade will start on 12:30 pm and we need to be in place (Unit #3, Harp Division) no later than 11:45 am (click here for parade route and #3 location). We will line up on Prince St, between Pitt St and St Asaph St – facing St Asaph). Click here for parade instructions (please read). We will be able to use the Casa Frassati House at 307 S. Royal Street (directly across from the Basilica of St. Mary, click here for map) to assemble and coordinate ahead of time starting at 10:30am (Courtesy of GK Chris Zettler and Fitzgerald Council 459).  This is very close to the staging areas, so very convenient.  Rumors of some food and beverages afterwards are floating around with a high probability of occurrence so a possible pot of gold at the end of the rainbow as an incentive. Click here for parade web site with general info on the Parade and assorted Ballyshaner activities.

We have extended invitations to the Councils we support along with other Northern Virginia Assemblies to march with us.  We’ll have two antique cars and Knights on Bikes with us again so all we need are Brothers, Knights and Sir Knights in their best marching shoes to join us for what promises to be a fun day. Click here for last year’s St Patrick day parade photos

Dress Code: For those Sir Knights that have the Official Regalia Dress, please wear that (along with a sword if you have it) otherwise the Social Dress with dark suit, white shirt, dark tie and social baldric are absolutely fine.  Refer to Patriotic Degree (4th) Uniform Code – Potomac Assembly 2204 – Mt Vernon, VA for guidelines.   For Council members that are not members of the Fourth Degree, a dark suit or equivalent is fine and Council banners are welcome and encouraged! Vivat Jesus – Please contact FN Joe Graf (FN@assembly2204.org) for further details.

March 9th, 11:00am, Saturday, Patriotic Rosary [NOTE CHANGE OF DATE] – The Rosary will be held in the KofC Hall (Mt Vernon Council 5998 on Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway) in the Assembly meeting room on March 9th (not March 3rd as many will be participating in the St Patricks Day parade). Set-up will be ready by 10:45am but you are welcomed to come earlier to help setup & socialize. Prayer intentions will be posted shortly. We are praying for all those defending our towns, cities, borders and our national interests all over the word. We especially pray fr the families of the men and women who are away from home as we are all preparing for a grand Easter celebration and the Lord’s resurrection. Click here for the Zoom link (…or ID: 894 7735 9993; passcode:781205). Mobile dial in: +1(301)715-8592… …894-773-59993#…. …*781205# US (Washington DC) Please pass the word. Contact Ray Duff (rrduff25@gmail.com) for further details.


Feb 3rd, 11:00am, Saturday, Patriotic Rosary – The Rosary will be held in the KofC Hall (Mt Vernon Council 5998 on Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway) in the Assembly meeting room. Set-up will be ready by 10:45am but you are welcomed to come earlier to help setup & socialize. We will pray for the celebration of our country, our freedoms and our blessings for living in this great local area of Mt Vernon, Virginia.  We will add those friends who are not feeling so well and working hard to get back into the swing of things. Folks like Carl Eiffert and Don Rogan as well as their wives and families. We are also going to pray for those brave Knights who are going to brave the cold waters of various rivers and lakes in Virginia to raise money for the Special Olympics Polar Plunge. But the main stay of our patriotic rosary prayers are going to those men and women that protect our neighborhoods, care for those sick and injured and the firefighters that keep us safe. ….and for the men and women of our military both at home and those deployed.  Click here for the Zoom link (…or ID: 894 7735 9993; passcode:781205). Mobile dial in: +1(301)715-8592… …894-773-59993#…. …*781205# US (Washington DC) Please pass the word. Contact Ray Duff (rrduff25@gmail.com) for further details.

Feb 19th, George Washington Birthday Parade on Monday, February 19 in Old Town Alexandria – On February 19, Potomac Assembly 2204 marched in the George Washington Birthday Parade (click here for photos). The Councils we support along with other Assemblies were invited to march with the Potomac Assembly as we defended our First Place award for the Best Color/Honor Guard in 2023.

We’ll had two antique cars and “Knights on Bikes” with us …and we also had Knights and Sir Knights in their best marching shoes to join us for what promises to be a fun day. Sir Knights that have the Official Regalia Dress wore their sword. Social Dress with dark suit, white shirt, dark tie and social baldric was also worn.

For Council members that were not members of the Fourth Degree, a dark suit or equivalent is fine and Council banners are welcome and encouraged! Parade began at 1 pm and we are required to be in the staging area by noon (11:30 am for cars and motorcycles). Thanks to GK Chris Zettler and Fitzgerald Council 459, we will be able to use the St. Joseph Room at the Basilica of St Mary Lyceum to assemble and coordinate beforehand starting at 10:30 am. The Basilica of St. Mary Lyceum is located at 313 Duke Street, Alexandria VA (click here for directions & parking lot locations). Coffee and donuts were be provided. Click here for parade route. Click here for Parade Rules & Procedures. Please contact FN Joe Graf (FN@assembly2204.org) for further details.

Feb 22nd, Happy 124th Anniversary of the Fourth Degree of the Knights of Columbus! – When the Knights of Columbus was founded in 1882, three principles united its members: charity, unity and fraternity. At that time people feared that members of the Catholic faith owed their entire allegiance to the Church and could not be trusted as citizens of their country. Patriotism was added to the Order’s principles in 1900, based on the idea that Knights are loyal to both God and country. On February 22, 1900, the first Fourth Degree exemplification or degree ceremony was held in New York City. The primary purpose of the Fourth (or Patriotic) Degree is to foster the spirit of patriotism in members and the community at large and encourage active Catholic citizenship.  It is with that principle in mind that 124 years later, the Potomac Assembly continues to fully and publicly display to all our Catholic citizenship and patriotism in the Catholic and local communities we live in and support.  Thank you for all you have done to be a part of that and for all you do in the future as part of the Fourth Degree and the Potomac Assembly. Vivat Jesus – Please contact FN Joe Graf (FN@assembly2204.org) for further details.


Jan 6th, 11:00am, Saturday, Patriotic Rosary – The Rosary will be held in the KofC Hall (Mt Vernon Council 5998 on Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway) in the Assembly meeting room. Set-up will be ready by 10:45am but you are welcomed to come earlier to help setup & socialize. Click here for the Zoom link (…or ID: 894 7735 9993; passcode:781205). Mobile dial in: +1(301)715-8592… …894-773-59993#…. …*781205# US (Washington DC) Please pass the word. Contact Ray Duff (rrduff25@gmail.com) for further details.

Jan 20th, Saturday – Wreaths Out! 8am – Keep your calendar open on Saturday, January 20, 2024, for “Wreaths Out” from 8:00 until 11:00 am.  On this day wreaths are removed from gravesites and placed in large dumpsters. Click Here to sign up for Wreaths Out.


Dec 2nd, 11:00am, Saturday, Patriotic Rosary – The Rosary will be held in the KofC Hall (Mt Vernon Council 5998 on Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway) in the Assembly meeting room. Set-up will be ready by 10:45am but you are welcomed to come earlier to help setup & socialize. Click here for the Zoom link (…or ID: 894 7735 9993; passcode:781205). Mobile dial in: +1(301)715-8592… …894-773-59993#…. …*781205# US (Washington DC) Please pass the word. Contact Ray Duff (rrduff25@gmail.com) for further details.

Dec 9th, Saturday, Army-Navy Football Viewing Social, 3 PM – All members are welcomed to enjoy the Army/Navy game at the KofC Mt Vernon Hall on Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway).

Saturday, December 16th, Wreaths “IN” at Arlington National Cemetery (Pre Event) — Event info is now being pieced together and will be updated in the near future (~end of November). Last year the Assembly 2204 members set up some 650 boxes — or ~6500 wreaths. Click here for 2022 photos. Contact Fred Beata (fred2pgk@gmail.com) for the Sign-up Genius link to work the truck, questions or more details. Note, please check your email sent out with all the information including the link. Click here for Wreaths Across America web site for info and to sponsor a wreath. Wreaths “Out” is scheduled for Saturday, Jan 20th.

Wreaths IN – Post Event!! – Brother Knights!!! Fred Beata wanted to send a note of appreciation and thank you to Potomac Assembly 2204 for a successful weekend!   Third- and Fourth-Degree Knights from Councils of Potomac Assembly 2204 helped to make Saturday’s “Wreaths In” at Arlington National Cemetery (ANC) a smashing success.  The final count, over 250,000 wreaths placed in ANC by just over 30,000 people.  The mission could not have been completed without the volunteer Knights who joined us on Saturday, December 16, 2023.  Click here to see the photo album.

December 16th, Assembly 2204 Christmas Social, 6pm – Members & guests celebrated at the Christmas Social at the Mt Vernon Council 5998 on Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway). Click here for photos from last year (courtesy of Jerry Krueger). Please contact Mark Marchione (marchionemark@gmail.com) or FN Joe Graf (FN@assembly2204.org) for further details.

December 17th, Simbang Gabi Mass – 6pm, St Louis: The Assembly Honor Guard participated in the annual Mass. Click here for photos and click here for detailed background. The history of Simbang Gabi is the tradition to worship and meditate on the mystery of the Incarnation; the loving appreciation for the role of Mary as the bearer of the child, Jesus; and, the fatherly love of Joseph for his family – these remain strong in the faith life of Filipinos every where in the world.  The Filipino immigrants have proudly introduced this beautiful tradition to the Church in the United States. 

Dec 18th, Monday, Assembly Meeting (Hybrid), 7:30 p.m. (Patriotic Rosary preceding at 7 p.m.) at the Mt Vernon Council 5998 on Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway).


November 4th, Saturday, 11:00am, Patriotic Rosary & Flag Retirement Ceremony – The Patriotic Rosary will be held at the Basilica of St Mary, 310 S. Royal St, Alexandria, VA (click here). You can view the Patriotic Rosary segment of the even (“livestream“) by clicking here. Click here for the flyer. A cantor will be leading our patriotic songs!! The Flag Retirement ceremony will take place immediately (~15 minutes) following the Patriotic Rosary in the back of 309 S. Royal St (across from the Basilica). The Patriotic Rosary booklet PDF can be found through this link (click here). The American Heritage Girls and Trail Life Group boys will participate in both the Rosary and Retirement ceremony. Please contact Ray Duff (rrduff25@gmail.com) or FN Joe Graff (FN@assembly2204.org) for further details.

November 11th, at 9:30am – Wreath & Flags at Alexandria Nat’l Cemetery: Volunteers from the Assembly, KofC, AOH and others were invited to the wreath ceremony & place ~600 small U.S. flags on the graves of veterans at the Alexandria National Cemetery (not Arlington National) on Veterans Day, November 11th. Click here for photos. Click here for complete activity details. For more information and the history of Alexandria National Cemetery click here. Please contact FN Joe Graf (FN@assembly2204.org) or VFW Cmdr Jerry Krueger (jerrykrueg@aol.com) for further details for more information on the ceremony. An overview of the cemetery was provided by VFW (Click here for VFW flyer — thanks to Gerald P. “Jerry” Krueger, Cdr, VFW “Post 609-Alexandria”). The cemetery’s address is: 1450 Wilkes St, Alexandria, VA 22314 —- and it’s well worth the visit. NOTE: There construction has blocked off Jemieson Ave (click here). Use Wilkes Street for parking (see details). Flags OUT was on Monday, Nov 14, 10am!! Thank you ‘team’ (above right photo).

Nov 12th, Sunday, 10:30am KofC Unity Mass – The 10:30 am Mass at St. Louis Catholic Church served as Assembly 2204 Unity Mass – to demonstrate our presence and commitment to the Catholic Parishes/Communities we support as well as share in the Eucharist as Brothers (click here for St Louis web site & directions).  A pancake breakfast immediately followed that was hosted by Mt. Vernon Council 5998.  Assembly members and Council members were invited to attend this Mass.  Click here for photos of the event. Assembly members, were asked to wear a suit, social baldric, and your name badge to readily identify you as a member of the Knights of Columbus.  For those that own the ORD, that is encouraged, without sword, baldric and beret.  We are emphasizing our principle of Unity and our commitment to the Parishes we support.

Nov 16th, Thursday, 6pm, Mt Vernon Council Memorial Mass – at KofC Mt Vernon Hall on Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway). A Memorial Mass was held in remembrance of those who passed in Council 5998 with Assembly 2204 providing Honor Guard support. (click here for photos)

Nov 18th, Saturday, 11:15am, Wreath Laying at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier – Arlington National Cemetery by the Color Guard of Potomac Assembly 2204 Public Wreath Laying at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Click here for photos. Contact Ed Stance (stanceed@aol.com) for more information.


Oct 7th, 11:00am, Saturday, Patriotic Rosary – The Rosary will be held in the KofC Hall (Mt Vernon Council 5998 on Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway). The Rosary will be held in the Assembly meeting room Set-up will be ready by 10:45am but you are welcomed to come earlier to help setup & socialize. Click here for the Zoom link (…or ID: 894 7735 9993; passcode:781205). Mobile dial in: +1(301)715-8592… …894-773-59993#…. …*781205# US (Washington DC) Please pass the word. NOTE: Venue has been changed from outdoors at Good Shepard church due to rain forecast. Contact Ray Duff (rrduff25@gmail.com) for further details.

October 9th – Columbus Day Celebration, 11am – The Annual Columbus Day Ceremony in Washington, DC was held at 11am on October 9th at Columbus Plaza at Union Station, DC. All Knights were welcomed to participate. Muster time was 10am. Click here for details. (Click here for photos). The celebration on Columbus Day is a Provincial Event. A post event follow-up social followed at the Dubliner. For further details, please contact CCC Ed Stance (stanceed@aol.com) or FN Joe Graf (FN@assembly2204.org).

Oct 23rd, Monday, Business Mtg, 7:30pm (Rosary at 7pm) – Venue is the Mount Vernon Facility located at 8592 Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway). Many activity items on the agenda!!. Please contact FN Joe Graf (FN@assembly2204.org) for further details.


Sept 2nd, 11:00am, Saturday, Patriotic Rosary – The Rosary will be held in the KofC Hall (Mt Vernon Council 5998 on Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway). The Rosary will be held in the Assembly meeting room Set-up will be ready by 10:45am but you are welcomed to come earlier to help setup & socialize. Click here for the Zoom link (…or ID: 894 7735 9993; passcode:781205). Mobile dial in: +1(301)715-8592… …894-773-59993#…. …*781205# US (Washington DC) Please pass the word. We will pray for all of those families celebrating the last “summer holiday” of the year. We will also pray for all those police, firefighters and EMTs that will be on call throughout the weekend to protect us and assist us if the need arises. We will also pray for all of our children going back to school or college that they will have the environment to feel safe and be eager to learn. Contact Ray Duff (rrduff25@gmail.com) for further details.

Sept 5th, Tuesday, 6:30pm, Annual Memorial Mass for Father Vincent R. Capodanno – Scheduled at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. The Vice Supreme Master (VSM) elect of Calvert Province, Francis D. “Fritz” Leach, has designated this year’s Memorial Mass as a provincial event. All SKs, family members, and friends are invited to attend the Memorial Mass on the 56th anniversary of his death. Official Regalia Dress Code applies. EWTN is broadcasting this event courtesy of the Knights of Columbus.

September 9th, Saturday, 5pm, Ft Belvoir Chapel, SK PGK Fred Zuniga’s Memorial Mass – The Memorial Mass was held on Saturday, September 9 at 1000 in the Woodlawn Chapel on Fort Belvoir.  Fred was a retired U.S. Navy Commander and pilot. His dates are 16 Nov 1945 – 22 Aug 2023. He was GK at 5998 before transferring to Ft. Belvoir Council. He was GK of 11170 in Columbian Year 2018-2019. Fred was larger than life. He would light up any room with his personality and humor. (click here for Obituary). The Assembly Honor Guard supported and all were welcome to attend. Click here for photos. Contact FN Joe Graf (FN@assembly2204.org) for details.

September 11th, Monday, 9:00am, Alexandria National Cemetery – On Patriot Day (Monday, September 11), and to honor “September 11th, 2001”, the tombstones at Alexandria National Cemetery (click here) are going to be cleaned and anyone who is interested in helping out is welcome to participate.  The event starts at 0900 (show time is 8:30am) and pertinent details and what to bring with you can be found here (please read!). Contact SK Jerry Krueger for questions (JerryKrueg@aol.com; phone: (703) 850-6397).


Aug 5th, 11:00am, Saturday, Patriotic Rosary – The Rosary will be held in the KofC Hall (Mt Vernon Council 5998 on Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway). The Rosary will be held in the Assembly meeting room Set-up will be ready by 10:45am but you are welcomed to come earlier to help setup & socialize. Click here for the Zoom link (…or ID: 894 7735 9993; passcode:781205). Mobile dial in: +1(301)715-8592… …894-773-59993#…. …*781205# US (Washington DC) Please pass the word. We will pray for all those in military service who defend our freedom, for those police, firefighters and medical personnel who secure our neighborhoods and care for those injured in need of medical care and for those. We will specifically pray for our Blessed Mother’s assistance as we celebrate Her Assumption Feast Day on 15 August. Contact Ray Duff (rrduff25@gmail.com) for further details.

Aug 12th, Saturday, 5pm, Ft Belvoir Chapel, Fr. McGiveny Mass – Honor Guard served at the Father Michael J. McGivney Mass on 12 Aug 2023 at 1700 (5:00pm) at Fort Belvoir Base at the Belvoir Chapel.  The Celebrant was Father Michael P. Lindsay, Installation Chaplain. Click here for specifics. Click here for photos. Please contact CCC Ed Stance (stanceed@aol.com; (703) 618-0015) for more details.

Aug 21st, Monday, 6:30pm, El Paso Restaurant, Past Faithful Navigator Appreciation Dinner – Fellow members and officers joined in congratulating PFN Joe Castillo, for a great parade-filled & successful Fraternal year (click here for photos). The dinner was at El Paso Mexican Restaurant (8746 Cooper Road, Alexandria, Phone: 703-619-5123, click here for website; click here for directions) on Monday 21st August. Showtime was 6:30 PM for cocktails & meet and greet. Dinner began a little after 7pm. Great presentation of the wooden sword & PFN sword. Great gifts for the PFN by SK Nate Murray. Toasts and roasts commenced at the conclusion of dinner (~8pm). Cost was $25 with ‘adult’ beverages on personal tabs. For complete details including menu choices and Sign-up Genius link click here (RSVP was by Thursday, Aug 17th). For questions or other details please contact Ray Duff (rrduff25@gmail.com).

JULY 2023

July 1st, 11:00am, Saturday, Patriotic Rosary – The Rosary will be held in the KofC Hall (Mt Vernon Council 5998 on Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway). The Rosary will be held in the Assembly meeting room Set-up will be ready by 10:45am but you are welcomed to come earlier to help setup & socialize. Click here for the Zoom link (…or ID: 894 7735 9993; passcode:781205). Mobile dial in: +1(301)715-8592… …894-773-59993#…. …*781205# US (Washington DC) Please pass the word. We will pray for the celebration of our country, our freedoms and our blessings for living in this great local area of Mt Vernon, Virginia. Contact Ray Duff (rrduff25@gmail.com) for further details.

July 4th, Independence Day 2204/VFW 609 Wreath Ceremony, 9am – On Independence Day, Tuesday July 4th, the Knights of Columbus Assembly 2204 Color Guard, supported members of the VFW Post 609 – Alexandria, in conducting a short, patriotic Veterans Wreath-laying ceremony at the Alexandria National Cemetery (click here for background & directions; 1450 Wilkes Street, Alexandria). Worthy Knights, their families, friends, and scouts were invited to attend/participate along with VFW members. Click here for photos and click here for SK & VFW Post 609 Commander Jerry Krueger’s write-up. Contact FN Joe Graf (FN@assembly2204.org) for details. Contact CCC Ed Stance (stanceed@aol.com) to participate in the Color Guard

JUNE 2023

June 3rd, 11:00am, Saturday, Patriotic Rosary – The Rosary will be held in the KofC Hall (Mt Vernon Council 5998 on Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway). The Rosary will be held in the Assembly meeting room Set-up will be ready by 10:45am but you are welcomed to come earlier to help setup & socialize. Click here for the Zoom link (…or ID: 894 7735 9993; passcode:781205). Mobile dial in: +1(301)715-8592… …894-773-59993#…. …*781205# US (Washington DC) Please pass the word. We will pray our monthly Patriotic Rosary for our country, with a special concentration on all those who fought in WWII at Normandy and Omaha beaches at Normandy and those who fought in the Battle of Midway. We will also pray with special reverence for those future priests that will be ordained on Saturday, June 3rd, in the Arlington Diocese. We will also extend a special prayer for the Fathers, grand fathers, godfathers, uncles and those father figures in our lives. Contact Ray Duff (rrduff25@gmail.com) for further details.

June 25th, Monday, Installation of Officers, 7:30pm (Show time 6:45pm) – Installation of our new Worthy Faithful Navigator Joe Graf (2023-24) was presided over by the Worthy Master of the Virginia District.   Click here for the FY2023-24 Potomac Assembly Slate. Click here for details on the ceremony. Click here for photos from the Installation. The Assembly officers and members very much look forward to another successful year of events & activities underscoring our mission of patriotism and Faith. Venue was the Mount Vernon Facility located at 8592 Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway). Dress code was Social uniform or ORD Social (click here for spec). A light fare reception followed afterward. Contact FN Joe Graf (FN@assembly2204.org) for details.

MAY 2023

May 6th, 11:00am, Saturday, Patriotic Rosary – The Rosary will be held in the KofC Hall (Mt Vernon Council 5998 on Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway). The Rosary will be held in the Assembly meeting room Set-up will be ready by 10:45am but you are welcomed to come earlier to help setup & socialize. Click here for the Zoom link (…or ID: 894 7735 9993; passcode:781205). Mobile dial in: +1(301)715-8592… …894-773-59993#…. …*781205# US (Washington DC) Please pass the word. Come and pray for our country. We will also focus on the Month of May being the month for Mary and the idea of joining the Knights of Columbus to pray over 10,000 rosaries this month. I also want to pray for all Mothers, everywhere, as they have been so influential in our lives. Contact Ray Duff (rrduff25@gmail.com) for further details.

May 29th, Monday, Noon, Wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Revolutionary Soldier – Courtyard, Presbyterian House – The Assembly paid tribute to the Tomb of the Unknown American soldier of the Revolutionary War with a wreath laying ceremony and participation by the Assembly Color guard (click here for photos). Father Joseph, Parochial Vicar at the Basilica of Saint Mary, will led with prayers and reflection. KofC Council 459 member, Brandon Eubank, will played taps. Unfortunately, we did not have one of the “Revolutionary Soldiers” from the Alexandria Historic Society present but there was approximately 100 in attendance (on a cloudy misty day). There was a reception in one of the Basilica’s courtyards at 309 S. Royal immediately following. The courtyard of the Presbyterian House is located behind the Basilica of St Mary (323 S Fairfax St, Alexandria, click here). As reference, click here for the ceremony proceedings re: background on the Courtyard grave site, background on the Bennington Flag, etc.. Please contact Larry Clark (hlclark63@gmail.com) for further details.

APRIL 2023

April 1st, 11:00am, Saturday, Patriotic Rosary – The Rosary will be held in the KofC Hall (Mt Vernon Council 5998 on Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway). The Rosary will be held in the Assembly meeting room Set-up will be ready by 10:45am but you are welcomed to come earlier to help setup & socialize. Click here for the Zoom link (…or ID: 894 7735 9993; passcode:781205). Mobile dial in: +1(301)715-8592… …894-773-59993#…. …*781205# US (Washington DC) Please pass the word. Come and pray for our country. We will also focus on the final few days of our Lenten journey as we prepare for the Holy week services and of course Easter Sunday. Contact Ray Duff (rrduff25@gmail.com) for further details.

MARCH 2023

FRIDAY!!! March 31 – Noon to 8pm – FISH FRY at St Joseph’s Alexandria: Nate Murray will be serving up a Fish Fry dinner at St Joseph’s (Click here for the details/flyer; click here for St Joseph’s web page; click here for directions). You’ll get Trout fillet, Mac & Cheese, etc., etc. and Peach Cobbler. . Drive thru pick-up is the kitchen in rear of church. Cost is $15 for complete dinner. Click here to order through Faith Direct (Dinner/$15, Sandwich/$8 & Extra dessert/$2.50) . Extra donations welcomed!! You can also order through Knights of Peter Claver PayPal (click here) — log in or sign-up to your account, enter the amount ($15, etc., and extra donations appreciated), enter “Fish Fry” in the box. Please contact Nate Murray (nmurraysr@aol.com; 703-863-5202) for questions. NOTE: Stations of the Cross will be held at 7:00pm

March 4th, 11:00am, Saturday, Patriotic Rosary – at the Mt Vernon Knights of Columbus Hall. The Council Room will be setup for the Rosary by 10:45. Click here for the ZOOM link. Meeting ID – 894 7735 9993 Passcode – 781205 Dial in: +1(301)715-8592,,89477359993#,,,,*781205# US (Washington DC). Please pass the word, come and pray for our country. We will also add our prayer intentions for all those Knights who are participating in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Alexandria, Virginia. Contact Ray Duff (rrduff25@gmail.com) for further details.

March 4th, 12:30pm Saturday – St Patrick’s Parade: The City of Alexandria hosted the St. Patrick’s Day Parade on March 4th. Click here to see the photo & video album of KofC, AOH and many Irish dancers. Thanks to all KofC members for making this happen.

Comprehensive details of the parade, time, route, pictures, etc., can be found here in the Ballyshaners web site. The parade route map and details of the staging area can be found here. ALL BROTHERS WELCOMED! If you have the uniform and sword, wear them. If not, wear your social baldric under your suit jacket. If you are not a Fourth Degree, wear jacket and tie and bring your Council Banner. The Assembly 2204 has reserved the Casa Frassati house (307 S. Royal Street), which is across the street from the Basilica (not St Mary Lyceum) for participants to meet before and after (Click here for directions/map).  There will be bagels, donuts, coffee, sandwiches and beer available. Be there around 10am. We’ll start walking over to the staging are around 11:00am. Staging will be at “Harp 3”, which is Queen St, between Patrick and Alfred St (access via Patrick). The Parade will kick off at 12:30pm. Like in previous years, the parade will go down King Street. The Assembly will try and reserve one of the Basilica’s parking lots (please check back). Click here for a map & location of the Lyceum & Basilica parking lots. Please contact FN Joe Castillo for further details or questions (FN@assembly2204.org).

March 19th, St Joseph’s Altar – Basilica of St Mary: The Basilica paid tribute to the spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary and foster father of our Lord Jesus Christ on what’s traditionally his Feast day. (This year, the feast day has been transferred to March 20 since the liturgy of the Lenten Sundays take precedence.) This year tribute was paid to the humble carpenter at the Basilica by constructing a traditional Saint Joseph Altar in the Lyceum Auditorium, 313 Duke Street. The altar is a custom in many Catholic countries, especially Italy, and was brought to this country by immigrants. Food donations were requested for immediate consumption and/or for donation to Christ House. Pictured are FN Joe Castillo and Bill Beach as Honor guard for the event. Click here for further details.


Feb 4th, 11:00am, Saturday, Patriotic Rosary – The Rosary will be held in the KofC Hall (Mt Vernon Council 5998 on Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway). The Rosary will be held in the Assembly meeting room Set-up will be ready by 10:45am but you are welcomed to come earlier to help setup & socialize. Click here for the Zoom link (…or ID: 894 7735 9993; passcode:781205). Mobile dial in: +1(301)715-8592… …894-773-59993#…. …*781205# US (Washington DC) Please pass the word. Come and pray for our country. We will also add our prayer intentions for all those Knights who are participating in the POLAR PLUNGE at the various sites throughout the state of Virginia. Contact Ray Duff (rrduff25@gmail.com) for further details.

Feb 17th – SK Bob Kopasz Funeral, St Louis Church – Click here for pictures of the Honor Guard. Please contact FN Joe Castillo for further details or questions (FN@assembly2204.org).

Feb 17th at 7pm – Cigar night in Old Town. Venue is “CXIII Rex” (private club above Landini Brothers Restaurant on King St in Old Town) Occasion is to welcome new Brother Sir Knight, Wayne Johnson ….and share a nice cigar. Pictured are (l-r) Chris Zettler, John Kim, Wayne Johnson, Joe Castillo, Jim Burkart, Ray Moore and Joe Graf.

Feb 20th, Monday, George Washington Birthday Parade – BSM Lyceum 9am: Old Town Alexandria was the venue for this parade honoring the Father of our Nation.  Click here for photos link of the parade and FN Joe Castillo leading the Assembly members. Click here for Parade route & info. Parade started at 1pm. This parade was open to ALL BROTHERS. Attire was — the new uniform, wear it, if not, wear a jacket and tie please with your social baldric.  If you know Brothers who are not Fourth Degree, they are welcomed; please bring your Council Banner and Represent!  Stage time noon. The Basilica of St. Mary Lyceum (313 Duke St. Alexandria) and parking was available at 9:00am.  After the parade there was beer & pizza back at the Lyceum. Please contact FN Joe Castillo for further details or questions (FN@assembly2204.org).

Feb 27th, Monday, Business Mtg & Guest Speaker TJ Bradley – 7:30pm (Rosary at 7pm) – TJ Bradley presentation on historical graves and veterans buried in Alexandria National Cemetery (click here). Presentation of 2022-23 PFN Rich Dunbar with sword (click here for photos). Father Joseph Townsend (BSM parochial vicars) provided a reflection. Venue (for February month onlythen back to Mt Vernon) is the Casa Frassati (307 S. Royal Street), the house across the street from the Basilica (not in St Mary Lyceum) Click here for directions/map).Please contact FN Joe Castillo for further details or questions (FN@assembly2204.org).


Jan 7th, 11:00am, Saturday, Patriotic Rosary – The Rosary will be held in the KofC Hall (Mt Vernon Council 5998 on Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway). The Rosary will be held in the Assembly meeting room Set-up will be ready by 10:45am but you are welcomed to come earlier to help setup & socialize. Click here for the Zoom link (…or ID: 251 097 6113; passcode:781205). We will be praying for Pope Benedict XVI. Contact Ray Duff (rrduff25@gmail.com) for further details.

January 21st, Saturday, “Wreaths OUT” at Arlington National Cemetery Sir Knights, lets continue this annual Potomac Assembly 2204 remembrance to our fallen service members at Arlington National Cemetery on Saturday, January 21.  The gates open to the public at 0800 to remove all Wreaths Across America wreaths from the cemetery (pre-registration for volunteers, not required).  All volunteers will enter the cemetery via four entrances: Memorial Avenue Welcome Center, the Ord and Weitzel pedestrian-only gate, the Service Complex pedestrian only gate and, for DoD cardholders, the Old Post Chapel gate on Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall (JBMHH) (via the Hatfield Gate from VA-27 Washington Blvd).

We’re assigned to dumpster 24 next to the amphitheater on Memorial Drive. The same area that we received our safety brief for Wreaths-In day on Dec 17.  A member is needed to volunteer as “DUMPSTER CHIEF” Chief. Please contact FN Joe Castillo (FN@assembly2204.org) and/or Fred Beata (fred2pgk@gmail.com) for specifics. Note: The volunteers/family members and Dumpster Chief enter Ft. Meyer prior to 0800 with DoD ID Card through the Hatfield Gate (via Washington Blvd). Park next to the Old Post Chapel, then enter the cemetery via the pedestrian gate for the short walk to the amphitheater to our assigned dumpster.

Lastly, check the Arlington National Cemetery for additional details including the security screening process at the following website: https://www.arlingtoncemetery.mil/WAA/Wreaths-Out Questions about the location of the entrances, enter ‘Map’ in the Search section of the website above.  For question regarding your guests (non-DoD cardholders) entering JBMHH via the Hatfield gate, contact the number shown in the upper right corner of the website. Contact Fred Beata (fred2pgk@gmail.com) for questions or more details.

Jan 23rd, Monday, Business Mtg, 7:30pm (Rosary at 7pm) – Venue is the Mount Vernon Facility located at 8592 Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway). Please contact FN Joe Castillo (FN@assembly2204.org) for further details.

Jan 25th, Wednesday, Cigar Night, 7pm:  “Bros Night Out” at “219 Cigar Lounge” on King St. Old Town Alexandria; Wednesday, January 25th at 7:00pm. Please contact FN Joe Castillo for further details or questions (FN@assembly2204.org).


Dec 3rd, 11:00am, Saturday, Patriotic Rosary – The Rosary will be held in the KofC Hall (Mt Vernon Council 5998 on Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway). The Rosary will be held in the Assembly meeting room. Set-up will be ready by 10:45am but you are welcomed to come earlier to help setup. Click here for the Zoom link (…or ID: 251 097 6113; passcode:781205). Contact Ray Duff (rrduff25@gmail.com) for further details.

December 10th, Assembly 2204 Christmas Social, 6pm – The venue was Mt Vernon Council 5998 on Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway). Started with a ‘meet & greet’, followed by the famous ham dinner, then Christmas Carols and Santa. Click here for photos (courtesy of Jerry Krueger). Please contact FN Joe Castillo (FN@assembly2204.org) for further details.

December 17th, Wreaths “IN” at Arlington Cemetery — It all started with Truck helpers arriving at 6:15 am and other members arriving with the “public” at ~8am (click here for the location map for our Assembly truck (#31)). Fred Beata was the captain of Assembly 2204 team that unloaded and distributed the wreaths. Click here for photos (note, these photos combine Steve’s & Fred’s photos). The team of Assembly 2204 members set up some 650 boxes — or ~6500 wreaths. Here’s the list of Assembly members – (please go to the Wreaths Across America (WAA) ‘Event’ Sign-up Genius link (click here) — input the access code “AWP2022”. Scroll down to “Potomac Assembly 2204 – Knights of Columbus”). Contact Fred Beata (fred2pgk@gmail.com) for questions or more details. Click here for Wreaths Across America web site for info and to sponsor a wreath


Nov 5th, 11:00am, Saturday, Patriotic Rosary – The Rosary will be held in the KofC Hall (Mt Vernon Council 5998 on Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway). The Rosary will be held in the the main hall. Set-up will be ready by 10:45am but you are welcomed to come earlier to help setup. Click here for the Zoom link (…or ID: 251 097 6113; passcode:781205). We will be praying for the elections. Contact Ray Duff (rrduff25@gmail.com) for further details.

Nov 10th, 11:00am, Thursday, Council 5998 Memorial Mass – A Memorial Mass was held in remembrance of those who passed in Council 5998. (click here for photos) The Mass was held in the KofC Hall (Mt Vernon Council 5998 on Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway).

November 11th, at 9am – Volunteers from the Assembly, KofC, AOH and others are invited to place small U.S. flags on the graves of veterans at the Alexandria National Cemetery (not Arlington National) on Veterans Day, November 11th. For more information and the history of Alexandria National Cemetery click here. On Sunday, Nov 13th, 11am, volunteers will be needed to pick up the flags. Please contact FN Joe Castillo (FN@assembly2204.org) for further details for more information on the ceremony. An overview of the cemetery will be provided by VFW. The cemetery’s address is: 1450 Wilkes St, Alexandria, VA 22314 —- and it’s well worth the visit. Street parking is available.

Nov 11th, Friday – Honor Guard at St. Martin of Tours and Veterans Day Celebration, Fort Belvoir.  Photo (l – r): Fr. John Mudd, Ft. Belvoir; SK Paul Kayanan, Mount Vernon Council 5998; SK PFN Fred Beata, Ft. Belvoir Council 11170; SK Emmett O’Hare, Ft. Belvoir Council 11170; Fr. Mike Lindsay, Ft. Belvoir; SK PFN Nate Murray, Fitzgerald Council 459; SK PFN Larry Clark, Fitzgerald Council 459; SK John Saikowski, Ft. Belvoir Council 11170; Fr. Alec Scott, Ft. Belvoir. Other photos click here. Contact Fred Beata (fred2pgk@gmail.com) for questions or more details.

November 19th, Saturday, 11:15am, Arlington Cemetery – Our Color Corps – FN Joe Castillo, Tim Burns. Ed Stance, and Maurice Chau – placed a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown soldier at Arlington National Cemetery (click here for photos) Click here for the Arlington – Tomb of the Unknown — for information and other specifics on re Arlington cemetery. Contact the Color Corp Commander, Ed Stance (stanceed@aol.com) for more details and participation in the event.

Nov 28th, Monday, Business Mtg, 7:30pm (Rosary at 7pm) – Venue is the Mount Vernon Facility located at 8592 Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway). Please contact FN Joe Castillo (FN@assembly2204.org) for further details.


October 1, Saturday, 11:00am, Patriotic Rosary & Flag Retirement Ceremony – The Patriotic Rosary was held at the Basilica of St Mary, 310 S. Royal St, Alexandria, VA (click here). You can view the Patriotic Rosary segment of the even (“livestream“) by clicking here. Click here for the flyer. The Flag Retirement ceremony will take place immediately (~15 minutes) following the Patriotic Rosary in the back of 309 S. Royal St (across from the Basilica). The Patriotic Rosary booklet PDF can be found through this link (click here). The Basilica Event page write-up with details can be found by clicking here. The American Heritage Girls and Trail Life Group boys will participate in both the Rosary and Retirement ceremony. Please contact Ray Duff (rrduff25@gmail.com) or FN Joe Castillo (FN@assembly2204.org) for further details.

October 10th – Columbus Day Celebration, 11am – The Annual Columbus Day Mass in Washington, DC was held at 11am on October 10th at Columbus Plaza at Union Station, DC. There were 9 Sir Knights that participated. Click here for photos. The celebration on Columbus Day is a Provincial Event. A post event follow-up social followed. For further details please contact CCC Ed Stance (stanceed@aol.com) or FN Joe Castillo (FN@assembly2204.org).

Oct 17th, Monday, Business Mtg & Guest Speaker Dan Ermer – 7:30pm (Rosary at 7pm) – Venue (for October month only) is the Basilica of St Mary Lyceum, 313 Duke St (click here for directions/map). Updates forthcoming re Guest speaker presentation (“A Tale of Two Swords – My journey back to Catholicism”) & suggested readings. Please contact FN Joe Castillo for further details or questions (FN@assembly2204.org).

October 29, Saturday – 4th Degree Exemplification, ~11am: Pictured (left to right) are: FN Joe Castillo, Chase Hatton, Jason Rockett, Mike Karau, Mike Stanges, Wayne Johnson, Thomas Young, and Assembly officer Bill Beach. There were 71 Knights exemplified as 4th degree Sir Knights, and over 100 were in attendance. As background – the exemplification an opportunity for 3rd degree Knights to step up to the Patriotic degree (4th degree) and become part of the Potomac Assembly 2204. The event was at All Saints Church in Manassas (click here). Much information for future exemplifications re process and procedures but start with FN Joe Castillo’s ‘invite’ email (click here). Click here for “What is the 4th Degree” brochure. Click here for General Information on the event. Click here for additional event information specific to the Assembly 2204. Click here for the “Form 4”, which needs to be filled in immediately. For any questions please contact FN Joe Castillo for further details or questions (FN@assembly2204.org; ph – 219-880-6889)


September 3rd, 11:00am, Patriotic Rosary – The Rosary will be held in the KofC Hall (Mt Vernon Council 5998 on Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway). The Rosary will be held in the the main hall. Set-up will be ready by 10:45am but you are welcomed to come earlier to help setup. Note, there will be no Zoom link as Ray is out of town. Maurice and Paul will lead the Rosary.

Sept 6th – Memorial Mass Father Vincent R. Capodanno, MM, 6:30pm, The Crypt Church of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, 400 Michigan Avenue Northeast, Washington, D.C., 20017. Main Celebrant & Homilist: Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio, Archbishop for the AMS. Contact CCC Ed Stance for details and/or volunteer for the Honor Guard (Email: stanceed@aol.com).  


August 6th, 11am, Patriotic Rosary – The Rosary will be held in the KofC Hall (Mt Vernon Council 5998 on Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway). The Rosary will be held in the the main hall. Set-up will be ready by 10:45am but you are welcomed to come earlier to help setup. Click here for the Zoom link (…or ID: 251 097 6113; passcode:781205). We will be praying for all those still suffering from the lingering effects of the pandemic, for all the students heading back to school this month and for all of our legislators as they deliberate before the mid term elections to pass laws that support the human spirit and American way of life. Contact Ray Duff (rrduff25@gmail.com) for further details.

Aug 13th, Saturday, 5pm, Ft Belvoir Chapel, Fr. McGiveny Mass – Honor Guard served at the Father Michael J. McGivney Mass on 13 Aug 2022 at 1700(5:00pm) at Fort Belvoir Base at the Belvoir Chapel.  Click here for photos. The Celebrant was Father Michael P. Lindsay, Installation Chaplain. Click here for specifics. Please contact CCC Ed Stance (stanceed@aol.com; (703) 618-0015) for more details.

Aug 22nd, Monday, 6:30pm, El Paso Restaurant, Past Faithful Navigator Appreciation Dinner – Fellow members and officers joined to congratulate PFN Rich Dunbar, for a very successful Fraternal year (click here for photos). The dinner was at El Paso Mexican Restaurant (8746 Cooper Road, Alexandria, Phone: 703-619-5123, click here for website; click here for directions) on Monday 22 August. Showtime was 6:30 PM for cocktails & meet and greet. Dinner began at 7pm. Toasts and roasts commenced at the conclusion of dinner (~8pm) …..and there were many many toasts! Thanks to all that participated Contact Ray Duff (rrduff25@gmail.com) for further details.

JULY 2022

July 2nd, 11am, Patriotic Rosary – Saturday, July 2nd, at 11:00am we will pray our monthly Patriotic rosary. We will pray the rosary at Good Shepherd Catholic Church (click here for parish website/directions). As always we will pray the rosary for our country, our leaders and those in need of healing for mind, body and spirit. We will also add a special intention for Pope Francis and his quick recovery and return to good health. Click here for the Zoom link (…or ID: 251 097 6113; passcode:781205). Contact Ray Duff (rrduff25@gmail.com) for further details.

July 4th, Independence Day 2204/VFW 609 Wreath Ceremony, 9am – On Independence Day, Monday July 4th, the Knights of Columbus Assembly 2204, supported by members of the VFW Post 609 – Alexandria, conducted a short, patriotic Veterans Wreath-laying ceremony at the Alexandria National Cemetery (click here for background & directions).  The location is at 1450 Wilkes Street, Alexandria, Zip: 22314. Worthy Knights, their families and friends were invited to attend/participate along with VFW members and several Boy Scouts were in attendance as well. Click here for photos. Contact FN Joe Castillo (FN@assembly2204.org) for details.

July 23rd, 8am-Noon, Color Guard Training — for the District Color Corps and Color Corps Commander in Northern Virginia. Venue was Basilica School of St Mary, Alexandria with Assembly 2204 as host. Click here for pictures. The training was open to all District Sir Knights whether they own the Official Regalia Dress (ORD) or not. This training is for Sir Knights interested in learning more about Color Corps and Honor Guard activities and how to participate in them. Training included the proper wear of the ORD and beret, the Supreme Color Corps Drill Manual: facing movements, drill, commands, color guard activities, etc.

JUNE 2022

June 4th, 11am, Patriotic Rosary – The Rosary will be held in the KofC Hall (Mt Vernon Council 5998 on Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway). The Rosary will be held in the KofC Council room (not the main hall given ‘bingo’). Set-up will be ready by 10:45am but you are welcomed to come earlier to help setup. Click here for the Zoom link (…or ID: 251 097 6113; passcode:781205). We will pray for the intentions of our Holy Father and ask for the intercession of our Blessed Mother in this month of June and concentration on the praying of the Holy Rosary for those men and women who gave the full measure for our country. We will also pray for those being impacted by the increase in C-19 issues.Finally for all of our Fathers Contact Ray Duff (rrduff25@gmail.com) for further details.

June 19th, 6:00pm, Basilica of St Mary Corpus Christi Procession – The Honor Guard of Assembly 2204 led the procession of clergy & parishioners from the Basilica to the School of the Basilica. A benediction was held at the school before processing back to the Basilica. Click here for the write-up and procession photos. Contact FN Joe Castillo (FN@assembly2204.org) for details.

June 27th, Monday, Business Mtg/Installation of Officers, 7:30pm (Rosary at 7pm) – Congratulations on a well done installation and congratulations to our new Worthy Faithful Navigator Joe Castillo.   As for the installation, click here for the photos, which includes a photo of Fr David from his farewell reception (click here for photos) on June 26th with our gift of a stole as thanks for being our Faithful Friar for the FY 2021-22. Father David has been named Parochial Vicar at Saint Charles Borromeo Parish in Arlington, effective June 30, 2022. The Assembly officers and members very much look forward to another successful year of events & activities underscoring our mission of patriotism and Faith. Venue was the Mount Vernon Facility located at 8592 Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway). Dress code was Social uniform or ORD Social (click here for spec). Assembly 2204 FY 2022-23 Slate (click here). A light fare reception followed afterward. Contact FN Joe Castillo (FN@assembly2204.org) for details.

MAY 2022

May 7th, 11am, Patriotic Rosary – The Rosary will be held in the KofC Hall (Mt Vernon Council 5998 on Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway). The Rosary will be held in the KofC Council room (not the main hall given ‘bingo’). Set-up will be ready by 10:45am but you are welcomed to come earlier to help setup. Click here for the Zoom link (…or ID: 251 097 6113; passcode:781205). Please be ready with your prayer intentions. We will pray for the intentions of our Holy Father and ask for the intercession of our Blessed Mother in this month of May and concentration on the praying of the Holy Rosary Contact Ray Duff (rrduff25@gmail.com) for further details.

May 21st, Fourth Degree Exemplification of Patriotism, St. Edwards Church/School, Richmond VA – Congratulation to: SK Cole Hernandez (5998), SK John Trent (5998), SK James Coleman (11170), SK Dennis Kelly (459), SK Theo “Doc” Epie (11170), SK Jerry Krueger (5998), and SK Colin Delgado (459). Click here for photos

May 22nd, Sunday, Archdiocese for the Military Services Memorial Mass, The 28th Annual Memorial Mass will take place at 4:30pm ET at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington DC (click here for detials). Contact FN Richard Dunbar (FN@assembly2204.org) for details.

May 23rd, Monday, Business Mtg/Election of Officers, 7:30pm (Rosary at 7pm) – Venue is the Mount Vernon Facility located at 8592 Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway). Assembly 2204 FY 2022-23 Slate (click here). Contact FN Richard Dunbar (FN@assembly2204.org) for details.

May 26th, Thursday, Ft Belvoir Confirmation Mass, 6:00pm – Assembly 2204 Color Corps participated the confirmation Mass celebrated by Bishop Broglio. Venue was the chapel at Ft Belvoir. There was a total of eight Sir Knights for the Color Corps. SK Nate Murray, made a presentation to the Archbishop and had him sign a pillow for Sister Michael who was very pleased. Click here for photos. Contact FN Richard Dunbar (FN@assembly2204.org) for details.

May 30th, Noon, Wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Revolutionary Soldier – Courtyard, Presbyterian House – The Assembly paid tribute to the Tomb of the Unknown American soldier of the Revolutionary War with a wreath laying ceremony and participation by the Assembly Color guard. Click here for photos. Many thanks to Father Joseph for leading prayers, Brandon Eubank for playing taps, and special thanks to the Revolutionary Soldier from the Alexandria Historic Society. There were about 35 total at the reception in the Basilica of St Mary Lyceum. The courtyard of the Presbyterian House is located behind the Basilica of St Mary (323 S Fairfax St, Alexandria, click here). Click here for the ceremony proceedings, background on the Courtyard grave site, and background on the Bennington Flag. Please contact Larry Clark (hlclark63@gmail.com) for further details.

APRIL 2022

April 2, Saturday, 11:00am, Patriotic Rosary & Flag Retirement Ceremony – The Patriotic Rosary was held at the Basilica of St Mary, 310 S. Royal St, Alexandria, VA (click here). Photos from the event can be found by clicking here. The Flag Retirement ceremony took place immediately following the Patriotic Rosary in the back of 309 S. Royal St (across from the Basilica). You can view the Patriotic Rosary segment of the even (“livestream“) by clicking here. The Patriotic Rosary booklet PDF can be found through this link (click here). The Basilica Event page write-up with details can be found by clicking here. Many thanks to the American Heritage Girls, Boy Scouts troop 301 and the Cub Scouts. Many thanks to Bill McKnight of McKnight Creative Media (click here) for his extensive photo contribution.Please contact Ray Duff (rrduff25@gmail.com) for further details.

April 9th, Chalice Ceremony, Basilica of St Mary, 8am – The Assembly conducted a Chalice Ceremony to honor our Departed Sir Knights of the last three years, 2019-21, on April 9th (click here for photos). The Chalice was given to Deacon John O’Farrell, who will be ordained in June 2022 and will serve his first Mass at the Basilica of St Mary on Sunday June 5th. The event was livesteamed and can be found by clicking here. The Chalice Ceremony program can be found by clicking here. A light reception followed the Ceremony/Mass. Directions & parking info for the Basilica can be found here. For further information and/or questions, please contact FN Richard Dunbar (FN@assembly2204.org)

April 23rd, Army Museum Visit, Ft Belvoir, 1pm – The Assembly had a group visit to the National Museum of the U.S. Army at Fort Belvoir on April 23rd, 1 p.m. Click here for photos. A Sign-up Genius was sent out and the the first 25 Sir Knights to sign up will be admitted. More information is available at the museum web site (click here). The museum address is: 1775 Liberty Drive, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060. Rhe group visit lasted approximately two hours and was led by a docent. Following the visit, the group gathered at the Greene Turtle Sports Bar and Grille for some fraternal time. The Greene Turtle address is: 7879 Heneska Loop, Alexandria, VA 22315 ….and is a short drive from the museum. The Green Turtle website can be found here.

April 25th, Monday, Business Mtg, 7:30pm (Rosary at 7pm) Venue is the Mount Vernon Facility located at 8592 Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway). Contact FN Richard Dunbar (FN@assembly2204.org) for details.

MARCH 2022

March 5th, 11am, Patriotic Rosary – The Rosary will be held in the KofC Hall (Mt Vernon Council 5998 on Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway). The Rosary will be held in the KofC Council room (not the main hall given ‘bingo’). Set-up will be ready by 10:45am but you are welcomed to come earlier to help setup. Please be ready with your prayer intentions. Along with the prayers for those in our country, the people of Ukraine, as they fight for their own democracy, we will add those Knights and families that are at the Stevenson St Abortion clinic in Alexandria, as they start their THIRD year of weekly prayers, music and conversation outside near the clinic. Check your email for the Zoom link info. Contact Ray Duff (rrduff25@gmail.com) for further details.

March 28th, Monday, Business Mtg, 7:30pm (Rosary at 7pm) Venue is the Mount Vernon Facility located at 8592 Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway). Contact FN Richard Dunbar (FN@assembly2204.org) for details.

March 29th, Tuesday, 50th Anniversary National Vietnam War Veterans Day – National Vietnam Veterans Day was established on March 29th by Presidential Proclamation. In 2008, Congress passed Public Law Section 110-181 SEC.598 authorizing the Department of Defense to establish The United States of America Vietnam War 50th Commemoration to assist a grateful nation in thanking and honoring our Vietnam veterans and their families. Consequently, the Potomac Assembly applied for and was recognized as a Commemorative Partner. The Assembly held its first observance of National Vietnam Veterans Day on March 29th, 2022. (Click here for photos) We hosted a dinner in cooperation with Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 609 at the Mount Vernon Council 5998 Hall. Following dinner, Sir Knight Don Logeais (Major General, U.S. Air Force, Retired) provided some remarks as a prelude to a ceremony conferring Vietnam Veteran Lapel pins and copies of presidential proclamations to Vietnam Veterans from the Assembly and VFW Post 609. Several attendees also provided remarks about their experiences during the Vietnam War era. Contact FN Richard Dunbar (FN@assembly2204.org) for details.


February 5th, 11am, Patriotic Rosary – The Rosary will be held in the KofC Hall (Mt Vernon Council 5998 on Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway). The Rosary will be held in the KofC Council room (not the main hall given ‘bingo’). Set-up will be ready by 10:45am. Please be ready with your prayer intentions. Check your email for the Zoom link info. Contact Ray Duff (rrduff25@gmail.com) for further details.

February 22nd, 1pm, Washington’s Day Parade – The Color Guard participated in the Washington’s Day parade in Old Town Alexandria with the parade honoring the city’s health care workers. The parade is the oldest and largest celebrating Washington’s Birthday in the country and celebrates George Washington’s 290th Birthday. The Click here for the photos of the parade and Color Guard. Click here for the post parade news and other details. Click here for the Washington celebration event web site.

February 28th, Monday, Business Mtg, 7:30pm (Rosary at 7pm) Venue is the Mount Vernon Facility located at 8592 Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway). Contact FN Richard Dunbar (FN@assembly2204.org) for details.

February 28th, Supreme Council CIVIC Award Presentation. Worthy Faithful Navagator, Richard Dunbar, presented PFN Larry Clark (Faithful Navigator for 2020-2021) with the Civic Award at our Business Meeting on February 28.   Assemblies deemed outstanding in their implementation of an agenda of patriotic programming for the 2020-2021 fraternal year were eligible to receive the Supreme Council’s CIVIC AWARD. This award is a tribute to the spirit of patriotism and national pride exemplified by the Assembly’s program of activities. While PFN Larry Clark said that this was a team effort, nonetheless, it was due to his leadership that we were able to accomplish many patriotic activities, especially given the conditions we had to operate in during the height of the pandemic. Contact FN Richard Dunbar for more information (FN@assembly2204.org) for details.


January 1st, 11am, Patriotic Rosary – The Rosary will be held in the KofC Hall (Mt Vernon Council 5998 on Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway). The Rosary will be held in the KofC Council room (not the main hall given ‘bingo’). Set-up will be ready by 10:45am. We will center our prayers center our intentions on the new government officials as they take their place in local, state and federal positions in the new year. Check your email for the Zoom link info. Contact Ray Duff (rrduff25@gmail.com) for further details.

January 22nd, Saturday, “Wreaths OUT” at Arlington National Cemetery – Come join your Brother SKs at Arlington National Cemetery (ANC) NLT 0700 (earlier is better) on January 22, 2022 for removal of 250K plus wreaths from the cemetery.  Parking is available at the Pentagon South Parking, then walk to the ANC Service Gate (click here for info/maps).  A valid government issued ID is required to enter ANC for the early shift.  The Service Gate (a staffed gate with several buildings seen from the gate entrance) is close to the Air Force Memorial (not on 1 Air Force Memorial Drive, but down the hill).  After checking in with the Zone Crew Chief, we will walk to our designated dumpster #24, near the Outdoor Amphitheater on Memorial Drive, Cemetery Section 46.  This is very close to the same location Potomac Assembly placed wreaths on December 18 for the Wreaths In project.  All WAA wreaths will be removed from gravesites and placed into metal dumpsters.  General public enters the cemetery at 0800 for the removal.  Knights and family members to include children (to earn credit for community service hours) are encouraged to join during the early time period or public arrival.  The estimated time of completion is approximately 11:30 AM or you can depart earlier if you have other commitments.  Departure gate to leave ANC TBD.  Let me, Fred Beata, know via text or email that you will join us during the early time period or public entrance (571-249-0955; fred2pgk@gmail.com).  As customary, group pictures are needed for the NAVLOG and website, so I want to make sure we have everyone included in the pictures who confirmed their participation. 

January 24th, Monday, Renewal of Vows & Business Mtg, 7:00pm – Our monthly Assembly meeting on 24 January will begin at 7 p.m. (not the usual 7:30pm) to allow enough time for the Renewal of Obligations ceremony, a short business meeting, and social afterwards. Attire is Social Dress (or dark jacket/pants). Click here for guidelines. There will be food & cash bar. Spouses & ‘significant others’ are invited to attend. Please RSVP via the Sign-Up Genius emailed to you. Venue is the Mount Vernon Facility located at 8592 Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway). Contact FN Richard Dunbar (FN@assembly2204.org) for details.


December 4th, 9:15am, Arlington Cemetery – Our Color Corps will placed a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery on December 4th, 9:15 a.m. (click here for photos). An amazing and very sobering honor to participate/spectate this event. Contact FN Rich Dunbar (FN@assembly2204.org) for more details.

December 4th, 11am, Patriotic Rosary – The Rosary will be held in the KofC Hall (Mt Vernon Council 5998 on Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway). Set-up will be ready by 10:45am. We will center our prayers toward the Blessed Mother’s feast of the Immaculate Conception and preparation for Christmas and the birth of our Lord and Savior. Check your email for the Zoom link info. Contact Ray Duff (rrduff25@gmail.com) for further details.

Saturday December 11th, 6:00 pmAssembly 2204 Christmas Social – The Assembly hosted it’s Christmas Social at the Mount Vernon Facility located at 8592 Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway). Many sporting their best festive Christmas and/or ugly sweater attire. Members, wives, ‘significant others’, etc., were invited (no children). Click here for some photos. An assortment of food/desserts etc, was available. A nominal donation of $10/adult was suggested. Cash bar. Contact FN Richard Dunbar (FN@assembly2204.org) for details.

December 18th, Wreaths “IN” at Arlington Cemetery, 6:15 am – Fred Beata’s Assembly 2204 team participate in the Wreaths Across America (WAA) project as we have in previous years. The team was there at the crack of dawn, unloading some 650 boxes — or 6500 wreaths – from their assigned truck and distributing them to the volunteers that descended on Arlington to place wreaths on all the graves. Given the ~65 trucks present within Arlington Cemetery, it was estimated that approximately 420,000 wreaths were distributed. Click here for photos. Contact Fred Beata (fred2pgk@gmail.com) for questions or more details. Click here for Wreaths Across America web site for info and to sponsor a wreath

Next up, Wreaths OUT! — Scheduled for Saturday, Jan 22nd at approx 7am, at Arlington National Cemetery (ANC). The plan is to safely remove all WAA wreaths from the cemetery and place them in metal dumpsters. This is a great opportunity for highschool children to receive credit for community service hours. Details forthcoming in the near future

December 19th, Sunday – 75th Anniversary of Blessed Sacrament: Faithful Outer Sentinel SK Bill Beach and FN Rich Dunbar were invited by SK Kelly Nierburger to be part of a mixed Honor Guard at the celebration of the 75th anniversary of Blessed Sacrament Parrish in Alexandria. Click here for photos. Bishop Burbridge was the celebrant assisted by the priests of Blessed Sacrament and Monsignor John C. Cregan, former pastor and Associate Chaplain of the Virginia State Knights of Columbus. Contact FN Richard Dunbar (FN@assembly2204.org) for details.

December 20th, Monday, Business Mtg, 7:30pm (Rosary at 7pm) Venue is the Mount Vernon Facility located at 8592 Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway). Contact FN Richard Dunbar (FN@assembly2204.org) for details.


November 11th, at 10am – Volunteers from the Assembly, KofC, AOH and more placed small U.S. flags on the graves of veterans at the Alexandria National Cemetery on Veterans Day, November 11th (click here for the photos) For more information and the history of Alexandria National Cemetery click here. Please contact FN Rich Dunbar (FN@assembly2204.org) for more information on the ceremony and overview provided by the VFW volunteer . The cemetery’s address is: 1450 Wilkes St, Alexandria, VA 22314 and it’s well worth the visit. Street parking is available.

November 13th, Saturday, 12:30pm, Patriotic Rosary & Flag Retirement Ceremony – The Rosary was held at the Basilica of St Mary, 310 S. Royal St, Alexandria, VA (click here). The Flag Retirement ceremony took place immediately following the Patriotic Rosary in the back of 309 S. Royal St (across from the Basilica). Click here for photos. The Assembly was joined by the American Heritage Girls and Boy Scouts in both leading the Patriotic Rosary and implementing the Flag retirement ceremony. A very Spiritually and Patriotically uplifting event. If you can not attend, you can join us on “livestream” by click here. Livestream will begin about 12:20pm. Contact Ray Duff (rrduff25@gmail.com) for further details. NOTE: Start time was changed from 11am to 12:30pm.

November 20th, 5pm, John Paul II Shrine – The Archdiocese for the Military Services holds its annual gala on November 20th. If you want to attend, go to this link to sign up: https://www.milarch.org/annual-benefit/. If you don’t want to attend the gala, you can still donate. I draw you attention to the Supreme Master’s letter dated September 16th, 2021, RE: Military Chaplain Scholarship Fund (click here), which is another way to support the military chaplaincy.

Nov 22nd, Monday, Business Mtg, 7:30pm (Rosary at 7pm) Venue is the Mount Vernon Facility located at 8592 Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway). Contact FN Richard Dunbar (FN@assembly2204.org) for details.


October 2nd, Saturday, 11:00am, Patriotic Rosary – The Rosary will be held in the KofC Hall (Mt Vernon Council 5998 on Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway). Set-up will be ready by 10:45am. Contact Ray Duff (rrduff25@gmail.com) for further details.

October 10th & 11th – Columbus Day Celebration – The Annual Columbus Day Mass in Washington, DC was on October 10th. There is also a Columbus Day Celebration at Union Station on October 11, 2021. For Color guard, the Archdiocese of Washington District will cover the Mass, but anyone else is invited to join in. The celebration on Columbus Day is a Provincial Event, so get all Sir Knights that can to turn out for this. Marshals show at 9:00 AM. All Color Corps at 9:30 AM. Post event follow-up: Click here to see the photos of Assembly 2204 (and others) in full Color Corp mode. Thank you all Knights for making us proud.

Oct 25th, Monday, Business Mtg, 7:30pm (Rosary at 7pm) Venue is the Mount Vernon Facility located at 8592 Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway). Contact FN Richard Dunbar (FN@assembly2204.org) for details.

Oct 30th, Saturday, 4th Degree Exemplification, 12pm – Church of the Ascension, Virginia Beach (click here for Parish website). Click here for directions. Contact FN Richard Dunbar (FN@assembly2204.org) for details.


Sept 7th – Memorial Mass Father Vincent R. Capodanno, MM, 6:30pm, The Crypt Church of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, 400 Michigan Avenue Northeast, Washington, D.C., 20017. Also broadcast on ETWN. Click here for details.  

SK Ray DuffSept 11th – 20th Anniversary 9/11 Memorial Roll Call & Patriotic Rosary, 10am, Good Shepard Church – Observance of the 20th anniversary of the September 11th, 2001 attack on the Pentagon. The event took place at Good Shepherd Catholic Church in Mount Vernon, VA on September 11th, 2021, at 10 a.m. (click here for directions). The names of each of the Pentagon victims were read with tolling of the church bell after each name. The praying of the Patriotic Rosary followed. Click here for photos from the event (photo credits to Steve Teslik and Elizabeth Scheuren). Contact Ray Duff (rrduff25@gmail.com) for further details

Sept 27th, Monday, Business Mtg, 7:30pm (Rosary at 7pm) Venue is the Mount Vernon Facility located at 8592 Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway). Contact FN Richard Dunbar (FN@assembly2204.org) for details.


August 7th, Saturday, 11:00am, Patriotic Rosary – The Rosary will be held in the KofC Hall (Mt Vernon Council 5998 on Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway). Set-up will be ready by 10:45am. Contact Ray Duff (rrduff25@gmail.com) for further details.

August 23, Monday, 7pm – Assembly meeting/Past Faithful Navigator Dinner – at El Paso Restaurant. A great evening celebrating PFN Larry Clark’s successful year. Click here for photos.

August 28th, Saturday, Color Corps Training, 8:30am, Holy Spirit Catholic School Gym – Color Corps and Color Corps Commander Training hosted by MSgr. Francis L. Bradican Assembly # 2996, at Holy Spirit Catholic School Gym, 8800 Braddock Road, Annandale. Please advise Faithful Color Corps Commander Bill Canavan (wcanavan@cox.net.) or 703-866-5217 by Friday, Aug 27th. Click here for more details

JULY 2021

July 3rd, Saturday, 11:00am, Patriotic Rosary – The Rosary & following reception was held at the Basilica of St Mary, 310 S. Royal St, Alexandria, VA (click here). A very Spiritually and Patriotically uplifting event. Click here for photos and video of Cantor/attendees singing the National Anthem. Contact Ray Duff (rrduff25@gmail.com) for further details. Click here for the “Livestream” link (our apologies for no audio)

July 26th, Monday, Officer’s Installation & Business Mtg, 7pm – This meeting was the Installation of Fraternal Year (FY) 2021-22 Assembly 2204 Officers (click here for photos). Venue was the Mount Vernon Facility located at 8592 Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway). Wives/guests were in attendance. Dinner and refreshments followed. The dress code was “ORD-SOC no swords” (click here for description). Contact FN Richard Dunbar (FN@assembly2204.org) for details.

JUNE 2021

June 5th, Saturday, 11:00am, Patriotic Rosary – The Rosary will be held in the KofC Hall (Mt Vernon Council 5998 on Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway). Set-up will be ready by 10:45am. Contact Ray Duff (rrduff25@gmail.com) for further details.

June 6th, Sunday, 1:00pm, Good Shepard Corpus Christi Procession – The Honor Guard of Assembly 2204 will lead the procession. Picture link pending. Contact FN Larry Clark for further details (FN@assembly2204.org)

June 6th, 6:00pm, Basilica of St Mary Corpus Christi Procession – The Honor Guard of Assembly 2204 will lead the procession. Click here for the procession photos. Contact FN Larry Clark for further details (FN@assembly2204.org)

June 28th, Monday, Business Mtg – Rosary at 7pm followed by the monthly business meeting. The facility is located at 8592 Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway). Contact FN Larry Clark (FN@assembly2204.org) for details.

MAY 2021

May 1st, Saturday, 11:00am, Patriotic Rosary – The Rosary will be held in the KofC Hall (Mt Vernon Council 5998 on Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway). Set-up will be ready by 10:45am. Contact Ray Duff (rrduff25@gmail.com) for further details. Zoom link to follow (email and post)

May 16th, Sunday, 3:30pm, PGK, PFN, SK Thomas K & First Lady Patricia M Fahey Memorial Service – A memorial service and dedication of the dogwood tree was held at the Mount Vernon Facility at 8592 Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway). Click here for photos. The Assembly hosted a BBQ after the ceremony. Dress code was casual. Contact FN Larry Clark (FN@assembly2204.org) for details. Attendance confirmation was via Sign-Up genius link emailed to all members.

May 24th, Monday, Knighting Ceremony & Business Mtg – The Mount Vernon Facility hosted a Knighting Ceremony on May 24th beginning at 7pm followed by the monthly business meeting. Candidates were asked to arrive by 6:45 PM. The facility is located at 8592 Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway). Light food and refreshments followed . The dress code was “ORD-SOC no swords” (click here for description). Contact FN Larry Clark (FN@assembly2204.org) for details.

APRIL 2021

April 10th, Saturday, 11:00am, Patriotic Rosary – The Rosary will be held in the KofC Hall (Mt Vernon Council 5998 on Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway). Set-up will be ready by 10:45am. Contact Ray Duff (rrduff25@gmail.com) for further details. Zoom link to follow (email and post)

April 17th, Saturday, 4th Degree Exemplification – The Mount Vernon Facility will host the Spring Exemplification on Saturday, 17 April beginning at noon and will run for 90-120 minutes. For candidates coming to the facility arrive by 1130 AM. The facility is located at 8592 Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway) on the way to Ft. Belvoir. There is a KofC Sign beside the building. A light lunch will follow the Exemplification. The dress code is “ORD-SOC no swords” (click here for description). Contact FN Larry Clark (FN@assembly2204.org) for details and to confirm your attendance.

April 26th, Monday, Knighting Ceremony & Business Mtg – The Mount Vernon Facility will host Knighting Ceremony on April 26th beginning at 7pm. and will run for 90-120 minutes. For candidates coming to the facility arrive by 6:45 PM. The facility is located at 8592 Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway). Light food and refreshments will follow. The dress code is “ORD-SOC no swords” (click here for description). Contact FN Larry Clark (FN@assembly2204.org) for details and to confirm your attendance. …..or click here for the Sign-Up Genius to RSVP. Note, the Exemplification & Knighting ceremonies have been split over two separate days.

MARCH 2021

March 6th, Saturday, , 11:00am, Patriotic Rosary – The Rosary will be held in the KofC Hall (Mt Vernon Council 5998 on Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway). Set-up will be ready by 10:45am. Contact Ray Duff (rrduff25@gmail.com) for further details. Click here for Zoom link

CHANGED! March 30th, TUESDAY, Business Mtg, 7pm – The in-person meeting will be held in the KofC Hall (Mt Vernon Council 5998 on Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway). Holy Hour with Worthy Friar Fr. Jeb. We will Knight some of our brothers, have a business meeting and then a Holy Hour, food will be served. The uniform for the meeting is Social dress


Feb 6th, Saturday, 11:00am, Patriotic Rosary: Ray Duff of KofC Assembly 2204 will be hosting the Patriotic Rosary from Good Shepard Church.  You can follow livestream via YouTube (click here) or by Zoom (click here for link) ……..or go to the church (click here).  You can get directions and Rosary link under “Livestream” icon.   Please contact Ray ( rrduff25@gmail.com ) if you have any questions.   Of note, this activity is a staple of the 4th Degree (Patriotic Degree) of Assembly 2204


Jan 2nd, Saturday, , 11:00am, Patriotic Rosary – The Rosary will be held in the KofC Hall (Council 5998) on Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway). Set-up will be ready by 10:45am. Contact Ray Duff (rrduff25@gmail.com) for further details

Jan 9th, 8:00am – “ANC Wreaths Out” Project: Soldier’s Home Cemetery/Lincoln’s Cottage, DC (click here). Fred Beata (coordinator) along with FN Larry Clark, Mike Murphy, Jack Cooper and Frank Gossett (with spouse Pam and daughter Nicole) joined approximately another 150+ volunteers in removing some of the 14,000 wreaths — accomplished within a couple of hours. Thank you Fred et al. Note, Soldier’s Home is a great place to visit and explore history. Click here for photos

Jan 15th – Fraternal survey to Master

Jan 19th – Officer’s Meeting, 7pm: Zoom only. Link to be sent to officers w/agenda, etc

Jan 25th – Knighting and Renewal of Obligations, 7pm: The Knighting program and Renewal of Obligations ceremony was performed at Council 5998 facility (click here for photos). Some 16 recent 4th degree candidates participated. Additionally, Nate Murray presented a framed “Hope In Christ” poster for presiding over the Knighting ceremony ….and…. Fred Beata was presented with an award for his Arlington National Cemetery coordinator for the “Wreaths” program. For other questions/comments, please contact Faithful Navigator, Larry Clark, at hlclark63@gmail.com

Jan 29th – March-for-Life: tentative pending permitting


Dec 5th – Patriotic Rosary, 1100am: The Rosary will be held in the KofC Hall on Richmond Highway (8592 Richmond Highway) in the Bingo Hall. Set-up will be ready by 10:45am. BOTH the front of the building and the main doors will be open for entrance. This month’s Rosary will be for all those first responders, medical personnel and home care givers who are in the fight of their lives trying to care for all the folks dealing with COVID 19.  Contact Ray Duff (rrduff25@gmail.com) for further details

Dec 6th, Bishop Burbidge Mass – Assembly 2204 presentation to Bishop Burbidge, Fr. Hathaway & FN Larry Clark. It was the Bishops 4th anniversary as Bishop of the Diocese of Arlington — and — Basilica’s of St Mary’s 3rd anniversary with Basilica designation (concurrent with KofC St Lucy Food drive). Click here for photos. Credit to SK Nate Murry (pictured) for gift presentations

Dec 12th – Wreaths Across America at Arlington National Cemetery (changed from 19th): In this year of Covid 19 we need to remember those who came before us and proudly served this country. Take time with family/friends to remember those brothers and sisters who are not with us. Pictured is Assembly 2204 crew, with ‘friends’, who unloaded the truck (note boxes in background) on Dec 12th (click here for other photos). Many thanks to SK Fred Beata to arranged and managed the truck & project on behalf of the Assembly. Otherwise, following are the links to Arlington National web site for ‘official’ events and scheduling thereof (click here) from Dec 13th thru 20th. For the official WAA web site for detailed info, volunteer or sponsor a wreath click here.

Dec 15th – Officer’s Meeting, 7pm: Zoom only. Link to be sent to officers w/agenda, etc

Dec 28th, Business Meeting 7pm – Zoom only. Link to be sent to members w/agenda. Prep new Sir Knights on Knighting and Renewal of Obligations


Nov 11th Veteran’s Day – Wreath Laying Ceremony for the Tomb of the Unknown Revolutionary Soldier. (note: event postponed until Nov 14th). Click here for pictures & video of Honor Guard & taps

Nov 26th – Thanksgiving: The Mt.Vernon council is feeding over 500 people on Thanksgiving day and they need additional drivers so they can finish at a reasonable time.. If you are interested please contact Joe Graff (jggraf@gmail.com). Let us serve those less fortunate on a holiday that is at the very center of the country. 
Nov 30th, Monday 7pm, Assembly “Virtual” Business Meeting: Rosary at 7pm, followed immediately by the Business meeting. Check your email for the link to the Assembly’s virtual business meeting.


Oct 3rd – Patriotic Rosary, 11am: The Patriotic Rosary will be held on the front lawn of the Council 5998/Assembly 2204 building.

Oct 24th – Patriotic Rosary at 10:30am at the Basilica of St. Mary with a Flag Retirement Ceremony: Contact FN Larry Clark for details

Oct 26th – Officers Meeting at 7:00 pm and Business Meeting At 7:30pm: Guest Speaker Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Coffey from Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA

Oct 31st – Livestream from St Mary’s in CT, Beatification of Father Michael J. McGivney at 11:30am: Venue is Council 5998 building. Links can be found on the KofC org web site (click here)

Oct 31st – Fourth Degree Exemplification—Virtual at 5998 at 2:00pm: Candidates for 4th degree Exemplification should contact Larry Clark to complete forms and specific details


Sept 5th – Patriotic Rosary at 11:00 am: Venue is Council 5998 building. Please contact Ray Duff for details

Sept 6th – Father Capodanno Mass, The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, 12pm: Click here for National Shrine website with directions

Sept 28th – Monthly Business Meeting: Officers Meeting at 7:00 pm and Business Meeting At 7:30pm. FN Larry Clark will provide a Zoom link to those who cannot attend in-person


Aug 1st, Patriotic Rosary at 11:00 am: The monthly Patriotic Rosary will be held ‘virtually’ via a ‘Zoom’ link. Ray Duff will forward the link to membership

Aug 17th, Bob Reynolds PFN Dinner at El Paso Restaurant: – A good time had by all in thanks for Bob Reynolds tenure as Faithful Navigator from July 2019 – June 2020. Click here for photos

August 20th – Padre Pio Relics/Basilica of St Mary: click here for photos. Click here for info (wikipeida)

JULY 2020

July 4th, Patriotic Rosary at 11:00 am – The monthly Patriotic Rosary will be held ‘virtually’ via a ‘Zoom’ link. Ray Duff will email details & link

July 27th, Monthly Business Meeting, 7pm Rosary then Meeting – FN Larry Clark will provide a Zoom link to those who cannot attend in-person

JUNE 2020

June 6th, Patriotic Rosary at 11:00 am – The monthly Patriotic Rosary will be held ‘virtually’ via a ‘Zoom’ link. Ray Duff will email details & link

June 24, Tom Fehey Funeral, Good Shepard: A fellow Assembly officer and friend of the to many a member (click here of photos)

June 20th, “Virtual” 4th Degree Exemplification – Candidates provided option of a virtual Exemplification or postpone until October

June 29th – Monthly Business Meeting and Installation of 2020-21 Officers: Officers Meeting at 7:00 pm and Business Meeting At 7:30pm. FN Larry Clark will provide a Zoom link to those who cannot attend in-person

MAY 2020

May 2nd, Patriotic Rosary at 11:00 am – The monthly Patriotic Rosary will be held ‘virtually’ via a ‘Zoom’ link. Ray Duff will email details & link

May 2nd, Knights of Columbus Virginia State Convention, 8:30am – will be a virtual meeting. Check your email for links, agendas, etc., from the State Deputy Brian Ripple

May 18th Business Meeting At 7:30pm, Officers 7:00 pm – This will be a virtual Zoom meeting. Details & links to be sent to membership

APRIL 2020

April 4th, Patriotic Rosary at 11:00 am – The monthly Patriotic Rosary will be held ‘virtually’ via a ‘Zoom’ link

April 18th, Fourth Degree Exemplification, Virginia Beach, VA – cancelled. Moved to a later date

April 27th Business Meeting – The monthly business meeting will be ‘virtual’ via a Zoom link. FN Bob Reynolds with forward link & meeting time email

MARCH 2020

March 7th, Patriotic Rosary, 11am – The Rosary will be held at Council 5998. Contact Ray Duff for details

March 7th, St Patrick’s Day Parade, Old Town – A great day to celebrate St Patrick with Assembly 2204, KofC 459 and Ancient Order of Hiberians. Click here for photos. Click here for the NavLog write-up. Pictured (l to r) is SK Joseph McCracken, and SK Steve Higgins

March 23rd, Officers & Business Meeting, 7 & 7:30pm – The meeting has been cancelled given Covid restrictions


Feb 17th, George Washington’s Day Parade: Potomac Assembly 2204 and other Sir Knights from local assemblies join in the George Washington’s Day parade. (click here for photos)


Jan 4th, Saturday, Patriotic Rosary at 11:00 am At Council 5998

Jan 11th, Saturday, “Wreaths Out” – Arlington National Cemetery —- ANC will be removing wreaths from all gravesites (click here for web site). Contact Fred Beata (517-249-0955; fred2pgk@gmail.com) if you would like participate and how many will be in your party such that last minute information can be provided directly to your email address.
NOTE: “Wreaths Out” are drastically short of zone/dumpster chiefs for the Wreaths Out project.  There are 3 main responsibilities as a Chief: 1) to maintain safety of the assigned area, 2) to ensure dumpters are filled appropriately and 3) communicate with the public.  The report time for a chief is NLT 0630 at lower parking lot of the AF Memorial adjacent to the ANC Service Gate.  Please let membership know that if they want to volunteer as chief to let me know by 1600 tomorrow, Jan 7.  Due to the increased security poster at military installations names will be submitted to ANC security.
Additionally, I would like to get a group photo of all Knights, family and friends after were finished in front our assigned dumpster


Jan 27th, Monday, Business Meeting at 7:30pm, Officers 7:00 pm. Renewal of vows. Official regalia or Social dress uniform required. Spouses invited.


Dec 7th, Saturday, Patriotic Rosary, 11:00 am At Council 5998
Dec 18th, Wednesday, Business Meeting At 7:30pm, Officers 7:00 pm
Dec 22nd, Sunday, Simbang Gabi Mass at St. Louis Catholic Church 6pm with Honor Guard


Nov 2nd, Saturday, 11am, Fourth Degree Exemplification, Holy Spirit – Manassas. Click here for photos


Oct 28th, Monday, Business Meeting at 7:30pm, Officers at 7:00, at Council 5998



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